Life of Ardor

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Top 5 Valentine's Day Date Ideas

"All we need is love"

Valentine's Day is tomorrow! Who is excited to celebrate? 

Sometimes, it is so difficult to come up with a fun date night activity, so I did a little bit of research. Below are some of my favourite date night ideas. If you have any other ones in mind, please share in the comments!

1) Watch a movie "on location" or at a drive-in movie theater.
Boston always shows movies in different locations, other than movie theaters. This Valentine's Day, there will be a free movie night at a cafe called La Rana Rossa. Check out your city's events. Maybe there will be a free movie night somewhere, too!

2) Go ice-skating. 
This is such a fun activity to do with your SO or a group of friends! You can pretend to fall so he or she catches you... I mean this is a perfect date night! 

3) Take a dance class together. 
Dancing is an amazing activity to show off your passion for each other!

4) Have a spa day at home. 
Get bath bombs, candles, wine and music, and enjoy a relaxing night!

5) Go bowling.
Sometimes it is good to get competitive, right? :)

So what would be your perfect Valentine's date? Share in comments! :)